Construction features
Wicket door monitoring via radio //NEW
Overhead door closer
Lock variants
Tortec sliding doors can optionally be equipped with angular or round glazing variants.
The glazing beads are delivered in galvanized steel as standard and come with a powder-coated primer in one of 7 preferred colours or RAL to choose to match the door surface.
On request, the glazing beads are also available in stainless steel V2A, 1.4301 or in a colour different from the door colour.
Glazings for Tortec sliding doors are available for both door elements and wicket doors.
Fire sliding doors with door leaf weight up to 800 kg which are to be opened and closed several times a day can be fitted with the fast and convenient SupraMatic HT operator.
The operator is maintenance-free and particularly suitable for areas with high traffic
Automatic door opening with press-and-hold operation. The integrated hold-open device ensures that the door leaf is secure in the open position. The door is closed via closing weights by actuating the hand button.
The opening aid is maintenance-free and optionally available with a key switch. It is ideal for opening large doors.
Chain drive operator ITO 400 is suitable for doors with weight 800 - 2500kg. For use in dry rooms and commercial applications.
The operator is maintenance-free and particularly suitable for areas with high traffic. The ITO 400 is available with press-and-hold operation "Open-Stop-Close".
The solution if sliding doors have to be inconspicuously integrated in the wall and ceiling.
A vertical recess flap blends the inlet and outlet areas of the door. The minimum recess width is 180 mm.
In the lintel area, the tracks can be horizontally blended with a ceiling flap. This is closed manually. It is opened automatically via control.
Recess and ceiling flaps are also available for telescopic sliding doors. The flaps can be galvanized, primed, coated in colour or in stainless steel V2A, 14301. Optionally, they are also available with stainless steel cladding frames for plasterboard, timber or tiles.
For single and double-leaf fire sliding doors, you can optionally chose hook catch or curved bolt locks with profile cylinder in the door leaf.
Compensator function
The compensator allows free positioning of the door leaf at any door position. This means the door can be open only slightly, or only halfway, for example. Ideal for a fire sliding doors that are operated several times each day. In the event of fire, button actuation or power failure, the door is closed automatically by the compensator carriage and counterweight. A radial damper for regulating the required closing speed (5 – 12 cm/s) is integrated in the compensator carriage.
On Tortec stainless steel sliding doors, all fitting components such as recessed handles, grip handles, attractive lever handle sets, sports hall recessed levers and three-way adjustable wicket door hinge systems are made of high-quality stainless steel V2A 1.4301. For fire sliding doors, the closing weight components are optionally also available in stainless steel V2 A 1.4301.