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We are the leading austrian producer of fire-rated doors in the area of architecturally high-quality special solutions.

TORTEC Brandschutztor GmbH

Head office:

Imling 10
A-4902 Wolfsegg
Tel.: +43(0)7676/6060-0
Fax: +43(0)7676/6020
e-mail: office(at)tortec.at

Vienna regional sales office:

Neubaugasse 47/2/3
A-1070 Wien
Tel.: +43(0)1/319 19 93
Fax: +43(0)1/319 19 96
e-mail: officewien(at)tortec.at

Graz regional sales office:

Gewerbeparkstr. 31
A-8143 Dobl
Tel.: +43(0)3136/62300 900
Fax: +43(0)3136/62300 925 
e-mail: officegraz(at)tortec.at

Tyrol regional sales office:

Valiergasse 62 Top 3/5
A-6020 Innsbruck
Tel.: +43(0)7676/6060-0
Fax: +43(0)7676/6020
e-mail: office(at)tortec.at

Growing and changing demands on function and safety constantly demand new developments and improvements in design and equipment, especially for movable construction elements such as gates and doors. Here again and again our qualified development teams prove their high level of expertise.

In internal fire tests in our fire protection center, new and further developments are constantly being tested for the required fire resistance and smoke tightness. Findings from these tests give a high degree of safety for the fire protection in the object. With these tests, optimal conditions are created for the official examinations in the accredited test centers for the issue of the official approvals.

Tortec relies on state-of-the-art production technology. Computer-controlled machining guarantees dimensionally stable elements with perfect fit of all fittings and functional parts.

Experienced consultants from the customer-oriented sales organization will accompany you from the object planning, through the technical clarification up to the construction acceptance.

Professional installation is guaranteed by experienced Tortec technicians and trained professionals of Tortec Partners.


The Creditreform Wirtschaftsauskunftei Kubicki KG herewith certifies Tortec Brandschutztor GmbH a creditworthiness index of

Here you will find the creditworthiness certificate as PDF version




Tortec has already received confirmation of the sustainability of all its fire-rated doors through an environmental product declaration (EPD) in accordance with ISO 14025 from the Institut für Fenstertechnik (ift – Institute of window technology) in Rosenheim. The basis of inspection was the Product Category Rules (PCR) for "Doors and Gates", Edition PCR-TT-0.1 of IFT Rosenheim GmbH.
Environmentally-friendly production was confirmed by a life-cycle analysis in accordance with DIN EN 14040/14044 for all doors.

-  Environment-friendly production e.g. solvent-free powder coating at the factory, which can be fully finished on-site with a variety of low-VOC paints or primers.

- Regional raw materials

The majority of raw materials used are purchased in Austria and Central Europe.

- Durable, low maintenance products

proven at the function test


Tortec has already been able to gain great expertise in sustainable construction through various projects.
We also apply this know-how to support your projects.


Field staff





Dipl. Ing. Biehl MartinCompany management+43 7676 6060 0office(at)tortec.at
Humer JohannesSales management +43 676 46 88 005 johannes.humer(at)tortec.at
Danilovic DavorTyrol, Vorarlberg+43 676 46 88 039davor.danilovic(at)tortec.at
Schrattenecker DominicSalzburg, Upper Austria 47xx-52xx+43 676 46 88 014dominic.schrattenecker(at)tortec.at
Lindtner MartinLower Austria 3300-3379, Upper Austria 40xx-46xx+43 676 46 88 053 martin.lindtner(at)tortec.at
Platzer Robert Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland+43 676 4688038robert.platzer(at)tortec.at
Holzer Peter Vienna, Niederösterreich, Burgenland +43 676 46 88 088 peter.holzer(at)tortec.at
Schmidt AlfredVienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland +43 676 49 15 700alfred.schmidt(at)tortec.at
Wagner Robert Steiermark, Kärnten und PLZ 75xx+43 676 46 88 055robert.wagner(at)tortec.at